The Gay Church

The Gay Church

This is a topic that should never have to be discussed. But here we are. It seems in just a short period of time we have seen the Trojan horse of inclusion bring homosexuality into the church. This is not by accident. It is the harlot’s primary attack on the last day church. This is a follow up on my last teaching called, “The Whore of Babylon has three nicknames, and the first one is LGBT.”

The purpose of this teaching is to show how the harlot is using LGBT to infiltrate the last day church. It is to show what is going on in many churches and with many Christians today.

First! I don’t hate gay people. I know a million Christians and I don’t know a single one that hates gay people. Accusing people who speak the truth, as being filled with hate, is the first line of defense for the harlot’s deception. All those who speak the truth will be accused of hate. Get used to it. It will get a lot worse before the end. Just ask Jack Phillips here in Colorado.

This is not some fringe movement, or a few drag queens making some noise. It is mainstream Christianity. The gay church are Christians. I have read some of their theology. It is very well written by Christian theologians to the Christian church.

Many in the church today have already accepted homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle by God. They not only say it is accepted but blessed by God. This is apostasy. This is the woke church of the last days.

Some of what the gay church says:  

God does love you – just the way you are! The gay church always focuses on love.

Prejudice in the Church: Fear and prejudice are not new to the Church. Jesus was persecuted by the Pharisees. We are not alone. They compare the rejection of the LGBT lifestyle in the church to Jesus being persecuted by the Pharisees.

The Church is ‘missing’ it. It is growing further away from the heart and soul of God’s Word and towards a gospel that preaches intolerance and discrimination. Judgment is coming, but it will start first with the Church.

Sodom was not destroyed because of homosexuality. It was destroyed because of rape and violence.

The Bible does not fully address the topic of homosexuality. Jesus never talked about it. The prophets never talked about it. In Romans 1 it mentioned within the context of idolatry and Baal worship. The bible condemns lust and dishonorable passions, but not love.

The context if 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10 is prostitution and sex with little boys. Nowhere does the Bible talk about a loving and committed homosexual relationship.

Historically, the Bible has been taken out of context to oppress all kinds of minorities including women, blacks, children, slaves and Jews. Now it’s the gays.

Being gay is a gift of God. Expressing that gift in a relationship is blessed by God.

This is a revival. Pastors and others are the ones that are doing the heavy lifting required to open hearts, minds and church doors.

Acceptance of the gay lifestyle in the church is a marvelous work of the Holy Spirit. This is one of the greatest revivals in the history of the Church.

Why do you enjoy excluding people from God’s love? Don’t you know that if you tell a teenage gay person that if God hates them, they will commit suicide? Go and learn the meaning of the word ‘mercy.’” Love always wins.

Some of the gay teaching books on Amazon.

Calling the rainbow nation home. A story of acceptance and affirmation.

This I know. A simple biblical defense for LGBT Christians.

Unfair. Christians and the LGBT question.

Rescuing Jesus. How people of color, women, and queer Christians are reclaiming evangelism.

The gospel of inclusion. A Christian case for gay inclusion in the church.

I’m not going to get into any theology on this subject. The Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth. The gay church has their theologians and scholars, and the non-gay church has theirs. They can argue all day long if they want. In my old age I require the Bible and the voice of the Holy Spirit. I’m done with the theologian’s arguments.

Why is the issue of gay church so important?

We must understand that the gay church issue is the final birth pang of the church!

The beginning of birth pangs started way back when Jesus was talking to His disciples in Matt 24. The final birth pangs take place in the first half of Daniel’s Seventieth Week. The woman, the church, is in pain to give birth. At the midpoint of the seven year period, she gives birth. The second half is the great tribulation.

The purpose of the birth pangs of the church is to produce the overcomers. This is Philly. They keep the word of His perseverance and do not deny His name. They are those who overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and they love not their own lives even unto death.

They are God’s great army during the tribulation. They are the ones who preach the gospel of the kingdom to the whole world and then the end will come. I go into detail about this army in my series on the woman who gives birth to the overcomers in Rev chapter 12 and God’s great army in Joel chapter two. Check out my blog for these.

Those who compromise and do not keep the Word of His perseverance and deny His name (His presence) are Laodicea. They are those who accept the gay movement into their church and declare that homosexuality is accepted and blessed by God. They think they are rich and have need of nothing. They think they have arrived at the truth by overcoming the fear and intolerance of people who are different. But they are poor, blind and naked. They have traded the presence of the Lord for a false messiah according to their gay theology. This is why Jesus is standing outside the door. They are disciplined and reproved during the tribulation in order to get them to repent and open the door.

What to do now.

Speak to the pastors and elders. Prepare your defense against this ‘move of the Holy Spirit’ as the gays call it, before it comes down on you. We must understand that this is the final birth pang of the church before the tribulation. This is the time of decision for the church. We must understand that when this comes upon us, that it is a test! It is a labor pain. Labor pains hurt. The church is going to give birth to the overcomers who will be granted power and authority that has never been seen on the earth before! This is the remnant. You want to be in this group!

Knowing this one fact, that it is a test, will help tremendously.

We must be prepared to lose everything rather than compromise. Ask these questions now. Not later.

Do we keep the word of His perseverance and lose our jobs? Or do we compromise and keep our jobs? You will be fired for not accepting the gay agenda. This will be a government enforced hate crime.

Do we keep the word of His perseverance and lose our church? Or do we compromise and keep our church? First, the church will lose its checking accounts and credit cards for failure to agree to the Terms of Agreement. Then the government will shut your church down if you say that homosexuality is a sin.

Do we keep the word of His perseverance and lose our lives? Or do we compromise and keep our lives? Can you drink this cup? The overcomers will pay the ultimate price, just like the disciples did. There is no granting of authority and power without first committing to drinking the cup. The cup is martyrdom.

The beast that comes up out of the abyss will kill all the overcomers when they are done with their ministry. This takes place at the end of the seventieth week just before the last trumpet. The last trumpet, the seventh trumpet of the seventh seal is the catching up.

We must be able to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in these last days. Seven times Rev says, he who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.