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What the Church Must Do Now to Prepare for the Great Tribulation

What the Church Must Do Now to Prepare for the Great Tribulation If you are committed to the pre-tribulation rapture, it would probably be best if you read someone else’s message. You won’t get your ears tickled here. This message is not for you. For the time will come when…

The Abomination of Desolation of Matthew 24 is in the Last Day Church

This is a continuation of my previous message called; The Abomination of Desolation has nothing to do with a Temple in Jerusalem. That message proved that the abomination is setup in the church. Not a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. In this message we will talk about progressive theology. This theology…

Daniel 9:27 He Will Confirm the Covenant with the Many

The mystery of Daniel 9:27 solved! I have been seeking God on Daniel 9:27 for over a decade. We’ll just do the first part of the verse today. Dan 9:27 And he will confirm the covenant with the many for one week. For years I have asked the Lord who…

The Gay Church

The Gay Church This is a topic that should never have to be discussed. But here we are. It seems in just a short period of time we have seen the Trojan horse of inclusion bring homosexuality into the church. This is not by accident. It is the harlot’s primary…

The Whore of Babylon Has Three Nicknames and the First One is LGBT

The Whore of Babylon has three nicknames, and the first one is LGBT. Rev 11:8 And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which mystically is called Sodom. Today, Sodom is called LGBT. The great city is the whore of Babylon. Seven times in Revelation…

The Whore of Babylon is NOT Jerusalem

The Whore of Babylon is NOT Jerusalem In the first part of this series, we talked about how the whore cannot be the Catholic Church. In this second part, we will talk about how the whore cannot be Jerusalem. Many prophecy teachers today are saying the whore of Babylon is…

The Whore of Babylon is NOT the Catholic Church

The Whore of Babylon is Not the Catholic Church I’m going to do a short series on the Whore of Babylon. John spends more time on the harlot than any other subject in the Book of Revelation. The greatest celebration in the entire Bible takes place when the harlot is…