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The Gay Church

The Gay Church This is a topic that should never have to be discussed. But here we are. It seems in just a short period of time we have seen the Trojan horse of inclusion bring homosexuality into the church. This is not by accident. It is the harlot’s primary…

The Whore of Babylon Has Three Nicknames and the First One is LGBT

The Whore of Babylon has three nicknames, and the first one is LGBT. Rev 11:8 And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which mystically is called Sodom. Today, Sodom is called LGBT. The great city is the whore of Babylon. Seven times in Revelation…

The Whore of Babylon is NOT Jerusalem

The Whore of Babylon is NOT Jerusalem In the first part of this series, we talked about how the whore cannot be the Catholic Church. In this second part, we will talk about how the whore cannot be Jerusalem. Many prophecy teachers today are saying the whore of Babylon is…

The Whore of Babylon is NOT the Catholic Church

The Whore of Babylon is Not the Catholic Church I’m going to do a short series on the Whore of Babylon. John spends more time on the harlot than any other subject in the Book of Revelation. The greatest celebration in the entire Bible takes place when the harlot is…

God’s Great Army

God’s Great Army Joel Chapter Two Joel 2:1 Blow a trumpet in Zion, And sound an alarm on My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, For the day of the Lord is coming; Surely it is near, 2 A day of darkness and gloom, A day…

The Three Woes

The Three Woes During Daniel’s seventieth week, there is something called the three woes. The three woes are the last three angels of the seventh seal. The seventh seal is Daniel’s seventieth week. When the seventh seal is broken by Jesus, there is silence in heaven for about half an…

Pre-Tribulation Rapture or Pre-Wrath Rapture? The Answer is so Simple!

Everyone agrees that the Christians are not appointed unto wrath. The two main schools of thought these days are pre-tribulation rapture and pre-wrath rapture. This short video will answer many of the questions concerning these two teachings. This is not another video, on top of the myriad of videos already…

The Revelation Timeline to End All Timelines!

All the teachers agree that the church is not appointed to wrath. Because of this, they say that the church must be raptured prior to the beginning of the wrath of God. The pre-tribulation teachers and the pre-wrath teachers agree on this. The pre-tribulation teachers say the whole tribulation is…